Is Stranger Things Season 4 up to the Expectations?

It may contain some spoilers.

Varun Yadav
5 min readJun 5, 2022
Image by <a href=”;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=4337985">Quentin Marquet</a> from <a href=”;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=4337985">Pixabay</a>

OMG! That was my word with goosebumps when I finished binge-watching the first part of Stranger Things Season 4. I left in awe and wonder, had in a total bliss wondering how could it be possible to have the same strength and tension that was in Season 1 of the show. Normally, a show gets dull and boring with the progress as the story either deflects from the core or lost in the mayhem. But it didn’t happen. Claps for the team.

The Duffer Brothers keep the same curiosity, interest, and surprises at the last moment of the show. The climax was amazing in the first part of Season 4when it was revealed that Vecna had a connection with the history that had been told so far. He was none other than a human himself whose evil thoughts made him like that. I felt this part was being inspired by Voldemort’s character. An eerie and reticent boy who hated others waged a war against his own community, guided by pure evil. Let’s not devalue the uniqueness through which the entire plot is weaved, how it landed together in the end.

Look at the timeline of turning Henry Creel to Vecna:-

Though at the beginning or even in the middle, I was having feeling as watching another horror movie like insidious with the same basic plot. A family bought a deserted house in the countryside, which was possessed by a demon spirit. That time I was disappointed with the writer to walk on the same worn trail. Thankfully It didn’t lead to the same ending for which I praised it. For turning the show from horror to thriller.

However, the writers didn’t do good with the main characters of the show except for Eleven, Lucas, and Dustin. Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Joyce Byers, and Jim Hopper were the main characters of the show from the beginning up to Season 3. Suddenly, they became side characters, dancing in their own areas far from the show plot. If Jim Hopper and Joyce Byers part will not have a strong connection in Part 2 of chapter 4, I will be disappointed to see under-utilizing the crown jewels.

The Direction of the show always remains awesome and magnificent. No moment had arrived when I felt the urge to skip the part. It was all captivating and spell-bounding from the beginning to the end. Though in the first episode it was moving a little slow which was needed to build the background, it reached a perfect pace soon. The angles and shots with varying degrees and positions made it exciting. The scene of solving crosswords by Dr. Brenner was incredible. With the great detail, it had been taken to even show the crossword questions. I credited the direction as well along with the good plot to creating this intense, profound, and amazing show. The Duffer Brothers knew their story very well, they were able to capture the shots that enhanced the storyline.

For instance, in the scene of the last episode when Dustin, Lucas, and Max were driving bikes in the real world, the shot was turned upside down and finally began showing Steve, Nancy, Ross, and Eddie were driving bikes in the upside world on the same trail at the same time. It was really admirable.

Sound effect is the key to make a good thriller and horror movie. I have no doubt it was amazing. As the notes were oscillating between high and low, so did my heartbeat. If there is a scale of grading from 1 to 10, I would give it 10 without having any other thought. It was remarkable and appropriate, giving a sense of tension, fear, and thrill with the visuals.

At the dialogue level, they did a fantastic job. Linking the fans of Lord of the Rings was an audacious stroke. Dustin asked others whether they wanted to go to the gate of upside world at the bottom of lover’s lake. For that, he used an analogy of Mordor. Eddie mumbled himself to choose between Mordor and Shire. A fan-loving moment for Lord of the Rings fan and being one of them I liked it.


Before ending my review, I want to say I didn’t get the part of Jason. He was showing going here and there to avenge his girlfriend’s murder and provoked the townpeople. However, he didn’t play any significant part in the story except for filling the time.

There is one loophole in the story I believe. It told that a favorite song kept Victor Creel alive during the attack. However, in the end, we found that the real reason was his son got exhausted after killing his sister so he couldn’t kill his father. Only Max was saved with the mantra of the favorite song. It felt like kind of thing done for the sake of doing it. I know it was important for the plot to return someone from the upside world to reveal more about Vecna. For that, a close one had to be gone and returned from there. I am telling it because it is misleading to tell Victor Creel survived because he was hearing his favorite song and being connected to the real world.

Overall it was great. Worthy to watch. I am excited to watch the last part of Stranger Things.

Thanks For Reading!

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Varun Yadav
Varun Yadav

Written by Varun Yadav

Journalist | Author | Story-Teller | Hi there! A writer who loves to write on Biz, Tech and Human Interest. My Twitter -

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