Don’t Chase, Attract Success

Varun Yadav
3 min readSep 8, 2023


How To Be An Attractive Person

We all have wants and desires and are ready to make sacrifices for them whenever the situation demands. However, some of us fail to achieve our goals and desires despite following every self-help guide’s rules or mantras. Why does it happen?

Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

As kids, we usually chase butterflies in the garden, hoping to catch these intricate, colorful, and alluring insects. Running after them for a while, we soon realize how hard and tiresome it can be. The more we chase them, the farther they seem to fly away.

However, in the springtime, when our front-yard garden blooms with different varieties of flowers and the pleasant scent wafts through the air, we notice those butterflies coming and hovering in the garden. You don’t need to chase them anymore; indeed, you are attracting them.

Likewise, we begin dreaming to be this or that. Each of us is unique, with a different set of wiring, and hence, our dreams are way apart. But it’s not a problem as the garden becomes more beautiful when it is filled by different sorts, colours, and species flowers. The monotony of the same species doesn’t give a unique appearance.

However, not all kids turn their dreams into reality. As we grow up, we realise how hard and treacherous it is to accomplish your dream. Plans falter, opportunities slip, and doors shut down before them. Only few people have been seen to become successful in life against the large population who eventually have to settle less than their ambitions.

Do you often feel that others are growing in leaps and bounds while you are stuck in a quicksand — the more you resist, the more you get sink in there?

They don’t get the pay scale they desire or feel worth of and sometimes, don’t seem their dreams ever come true.

As a young person, we often do make the most common mistake — chasing things — the dream job, pay scale, post, title, love, friends, and so on. While chasing them mindlessly, we realise lately how far they are going or have gone.

I say it a mistake because we have to work on to attract these things instead of chasing. We only make wishful thinking that doesn’t work the most of times.

If you want your dream job, then you have to start upgrading your skills, experience and mindset as required for the job.

If you want to find the love, you need to work on yourself. This way the probability of attracting others would increase and eventually finding your love.

How to be an Attractive person?

  1. Upgrade Yourself: If you want your dream job, work on improving your skills, gaining more experience, and developing the right mindset. This will make you a more attractive candidate.
  2. Self-Improvement: If you’re looking for love, focus on self-improvement. Hitting the gym, eating well, and taking care of yourself can boost your confidence and make you more appealing to potential partners.
  3. Read More: Reading is an excellent way to expand your knowledge and become smarter. Books are like treasure troves of wisdom from great minds. They come in handy 6 by 9-inch packages made of paper!
  4. Explore: Exploring new things, both physically and mentally, can broaden your horizons and make you more interesting to others.
  5. Listen Actively: Great leaders are known for being great listeners. Listening more and talking less can help you understand people better and build stronger relationships.

Thanks for Reading!



Varun Yadav

Journalist | Author | Story-Teller | Hi there! A writer who loves to write on Biz, Tech and Human Interest. My Twitter -