Deep Ecologism Philosophy; Need of the Unusual Hour
Climate change is happening more than ever before. The situation has come to a position of now and never. Incessant heat waves sweep across the world, extreme weather events become a common phenomenon and global warming is rising at an unprecedented rate. 2019 was called the hottest year in the last 200 years by scientists. Though 2020 and 2021 weren’t much cooler in comparison, with only a difference of 2 to 3 Celsius. There have been movements and conferences for climate protection and environmental conservation for the last 50 years. From Rio Conference or Earth Summit in 1992 to Kyoto Protocol in 1997 to Greta Thunberg's recent struggle to save the dying planet in 2019.
The following timeline will tell you all the world conventions ever happened till now for environmental protection:-
The climate restoration movement has a long history to protect the environment from desolation. There are unequivocal callings to stop the current destruction all of a sudden and to change the way of living. However, it won’t be much help. The movement has been going on since 1972 with UNFCCC, again and again, repeating the same threats of rising temperature by 2 to 3 Celsius at the end of the century. So far, the climate change activists and so-called pseudo environmentalists are fighting for the cause without going deep into the real cause. “Shallow Ecologism” is the only philosophy humanity is keeping till now in the fight that won’t make much difference until it’s too late. Shallow ecologism keeps the human interest above others, by guiding to decrease pollution and harmful substances from the man-made products. It never demands to have a radical change in the way of living and the means of production. It’s a very weak ecologism that has no future than creating hype to keep the masses in false hopes.
The world needs today “Deep ecologism” philosophy. A way of belief and philosophy that demands radical changes in the lifestyle and means of production to make it more sustainable and efficient. Besides, changing the relationship of humans with nature to look beyond just a means of raw materials and resources.
It means not take humans over other beings, considering each of being as important and precious as humans are. Then thinking for environment protection.
It demands reducing the over fertilizers use for the crops, artificial fattening of farm animals for more meat, changing the transportation system for more environment-friendly vehicles, wiping out excessive use of single-use plastic, and so on. Today, we not only need aggressive environmental movements to pressurize the policy makers around the globe but to focus on changing the way we’re handling the entire situation in a very callous and vague way.
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