A poem for all those who are struggling…
Decades of loneliness fill in me,
I have nowhere to go,
so I just be there, alone, dismay and despair
Hurting myself with my piercing and negative thoughts
As it is all I can do now
In a stage of purgatory, of myself
At the brink of the end…
I have some conceptions regarding why one being felt inferior to others and why we drown in negative emotions.
- Low Confidence:- Those who have been bullied a lot in their childhood not just physically but mentally as well. Eventually, the entire trauma clouds their mind making for them harder to do things that aren’t comfortable with.
- Self-Mutilation:- Whenever something gorgeous or incredible happen in front of them, they feel disheartened and sad for themselves. They kill their joy of happiness with their own hands by fantasizing about things for themselves too.
- Dusky or black in color:- In this digital age, no day goes without watching an advertisement that is directly or indirectly related to cosmetics that claim to fair a human skin from black to white. This invokes people's sentiments and creates a sense of Inferiority among them.
- Imperfect body:- Having a scar on your face or something imperfect in you or stammering whenever you speak. Eventually, Those people create a sense of inferiority on their own. They have this preconceived notion that people are laughing or judging them contantly.
- Not having any Talent:- They can sing, dance, speak, paint, and so on, but I don’t have any talent. This line sinks down the level of self-value in most people. They aren’t sure whether they can do anything in life or not. So, they are jealous to see every person who is or going to be successful in life.
- Loneliness — When a person tries to shun himself from the outer world. He feels more suitable in the cocoon of comfort and hates being socialized with others. Then, this is a serious problem as gradually it invokes a sense of disturbance and then, Inferiority in him.
How can we cease ourselves from the feeling of Inferiority?
- Be a courageous one
Don’t fear anything, just do those things that you fear most. No one on this planet is perfect so you must not try to be a perfect one.
2. Having some bit of self-pride is good for the mind
Don’t feel bad after looking at people who are more rich, handsome, famous, popular, or intelligent than you. Every one of us is different persona. Keep your uniqueness and make that count.
3. Make a friend
A good friend and a pinch of laughter can’t be compared to any medicine. It is a daily dose that chills your mind from any misleading thoughts whenever they occurs.
4. Imperfection is best
Each person has flaws, some are hidden and some are revealed. You have to not think what people might be thinking, just do whatever you want to do in your life. It’s easy no one cares about, so you don’t need to care about others.
…Yes! I have flaws and imperfections
I fail a lot and will be in the future,
‘Hope so’
However, I will fight against all odds
I’m a warrior and not live only for survival
I will grow, fight, win and conquer
I’m not yet defeated
I will rise again and come back at the brink of End.
The End