5 key TIPS for happy well-being
Yale University professor Laurie Santos has created a course named ‘the science of well-being’ which tells the secrets of real happiness. Misconceptions about pleasure, unpleasant mental traits that cause us to believe the way we do, and studies that might help us change are all exposed by Professor Laurie Santos.
1. Go after ‘Experiences’, not materialistic things
Yale University psychology professor Laurie Santos says in her famous well-being class that the key to happiness is going after more experiences.
Not only do they make you happy and joyful, but also create a bank of sweet memories to be cherished later upon.
A human brain is wired in a way that tends to get bored after a certain period. Understand it like child psychology. A child cries in front of his parents for a toy, and once he gets that toy, he would play with it for a few days. Soon the child throws it away to be astray because he lost the attachments. His desires have been completed.
Adults aren’t different in any way. They also tend to get bored with the same material things, be it a car, a laptop, etc. That’s why it is a waste of money to spend on material things. First, in the consumeristic society, they change every day — a new version would knock on the doors. Second, we lose interest in things that we get.
Spending your money on experiences will provide greater returns in comparison to spending on things. Your mentality changes; so do your desires.
Check out this free course on Coursera to dig deeper into the tips of well-being:-
2. Healthy diet is equivalent to healthy mind
You must have heard about Gut-Brain connections. Don’t worry if not. The following link will help you to know about the concept.
You become what you eat. There is a direct correlation between your diet and your mental well-being. A good and healthy diet will help you to be energetic and positive which eventually makes you happy and relaxed. If your body has enough energy, you will radiate creativity, cognition, and imagination.
Similarly, food that contains saturated fat, excessive oil, and sugar will make you dull and lazy. Most of the energy would spend on digesting and breaking down these complex chemicals. Hence, you will remain passive, lazy, and pessimistic.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a healthy diet for an energetic and pleasant mind. Besides, it helps you to fight against depression and anxiety that dooms modern society here and there.
3. Stimulate your mind
It’s very important to have a positive and accelerating mindset that always goes for improving and upgrading your mind, its perspectives, and its dimensions.
We do physical exercises for running our bodies at the optimal level; similarly, we need to do mental exercises to stimulate our brains. Reading books (Fiction or Non-Fiction), solving puzzles such as Sudoko, and using cognitive power will stimulate your mind.
“You become what you digest into your spirit. Whatever you think about, focus on, read about, talk about, you’re going to attract more of into your life. Make sure they’re all positive.”
― Germany Kent
4. Do what you love
Modern society is synonymous with freedom and rights. Each of us is entitled to do what we love. Though it’s not every time possible to do what you love as a lot of people depend on you. Moreover, one needs to earn money to feed herself and the dependent family. It’s okay. What we need is the desire to never stop chasing what we love.
Even working in 9 to 5 jobs, we can choose to hone our skills and passion day by day. It gives a pleasure of utmost bliss and happiness. The hit you get after having the feeling of moving towards your passion is all you need in this small life. Don’t underestimate it.
The feeling has a different soothing and mind-satisfaction tendency.
5. Show Gratitude
The more you show gratitude towards others, the more you will happier and healthier. It’s a general fact that must be suffused and ingrained in our minds deeply.
“Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals.
If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.”
― Roy T. Bennett
We forget to cherish what we have by thinking about things we don’t have. There is a fine line between need and greed. Traversing the line makes you only unhappy and sad. Once you cross it, nothing in this world can satiate your hunger.
The real thing in life is to be content and joyous with what you have while working for your dreams as well.